Fixing Samba/CUPS Permission Issues

I have found that Samba < 3.0.9 has a few permissions issues with CUPS when using the printing tools from Windows desktops. It turns out that there is a few issues with CUPS permissions and Samba but these apparently have been fixed in Samba versions 3.0.12 onwards.
In the interim to fix the issue you must edit the cupsd.conf file and comment out a few lines so that you have the following:

<Location /admin>
#  AuthType BasicDigest
#  AuthClass Group
#  AuthGroupName sys
  Order Deny,Allow
  Deny From All
  Allow From

This creates a bit of a security risk as anyone on the localhost can make printer administration changes but in a small network this is not such a huge deal (when compared to the loss of functionality if the settings are in place).