Map of our Journey

Below is a map of the journey we took around Germany, Austria and Czech Republic. Click on the stars to read about each location and view photographs that we took during our travels. Or alternatively view the photos without any commentary here.

Germany, Austria & Czech Republic Photos Online

I have now gone through all the photographs I took whilst on the tour of Germany, Austria and Czech Republic. They are available for viewing if you are interested. Click on a thumbnail to see a larger image if you want. The photos are arranged in the order that we did things.

Germany, Austria and Czech Republic Photographs...

Behind the Rusty Iron Curtain

The three days we spent in Vienna were good but we were definitely pleased to checkout of our cramped firetrap of a hostel and board a train for a five hour journey to Prague. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic, which prior to 1990s was Czechoslovakia and a member of the Communist Warsaw Pact. The Czech people have struggled through hundreds of years of occupation and battering by just about every country in Europe (even the Swedes got the boot into the Czechs 400 years ago). Recently the Czechs have suffered under the occupation of the Soviet Union who established a very destructive communist regime after World War II. After the fall of Communism Prague has emerged as a prominent tourist destination in Europe because of its rich cultural history and a broad spectrum of architecture.