Unfortunately the default MySQL binaries for SUSE 10 have been compiled without SSL support. Why this is a case is difficult to determine, the SSL-enabled server and client seem just as reliable as their non-SSL equivalents and with OpenSSL being used it would not seem to be a licensing issue. Anyway below are the SSL-enabled rpms generated from SUSE 10's MySQL srpm package:
- mysql-4.1.13-4.i586.rpm
- mysql-bench-4.1.13-4.i586.rpm
- mysql-client-4.1.13-4.i586.rpm
- mysql-debuginfo-4.1.13-4.i586.rpm
- mysql-devel-4.1.13-4.i586.rpm
- mysql-Max-4.1.13-4.i586.rpm
- mysql-shared-4.1.13-4.i586.rpm
For more information on running MySQL 4.1 with secured connections checkout the excellent online MySQL documentation.